• Experience Goucher
  • Equity & Identity
  • Campus Climate Education Team
  • How CCET Functions
  • How CCET Functions

    The Campus Climate Education Team (CCET) is the first response from the Division of Student Affairs and the college in coordinating responses to bias and hate incidents on campus and at off-campus college-sponsored events and activities.

    Coordinated responses may include, but are not limited to, measures such as facilitated dialogue between parties, facilitated discussions in residence halls or other campus locations, restorative justice practices, recommendations for campus notices for fact sharing, and educational programs and outreach.

    CCET is responsible for:

    Goucher College considers incidents of bias and acts of hate as contrary to the principles that represent our community's values. The reporting of these incidents enables the college to promptly and systematically respond to violations for the purpose of maintaining a safe learning environment for all. The purpose of the Bias Response and Hate Crime Protocol is to provide information about responding to bias incidents or hate crimes that occur on campus and to outline the procedures and resources available to members of the Goucher College community. It is not the purpose or the intent of this protocol to define whether or not an act may violate Goucher College Regulations or state or federal law.

    Holding firm to Goucher College's ideals, the college's principal objectives are to help each student master significant areas of knowledge and skills while developing an appreciation for individual and cultural diversity, a sense of social responsibility, and a system of personal and professional ethics. Goucher believes these goals are best achieved in an environment that responds to students both as individuals and as members of multiple groups. Accordingly, education at Goucher is based on an expanding sense of community—a community where discourse is valued and practiced, where students attend small classes and interact closely with faculty and one another, and where students can participate in and lead extracurricular programs. Please visit the sites below for information on Goucher's Nondiscrimination Policy and Diversity Statement.