• 云顶集团经验
  • 股本 & 身份
  • Campus Climate Education Team
  • 常见问题解答
  • Frequently Asked Questions


    Should certain discussions be avoided in classrooms and/or offices?

    We do not recommend that you avoid difficult topics altogether; often times it is the absence of engaging in certain topics that creates an environment where it is difficult to facilitate and provide educational moments. 的refore, we recommend reaching out and taking advantage of professional development opportunities designed to provide you with additional skill sets to navigate difficult conversations in the classroom in order to reduce harm. 的 Center for Race, 股本, and 身份 provides consultations to help you design a curriculum to fit both your academic and professional needs. In addition, the following offices are also resources:

    What if a student comes to me with an incident? 我该怎么办??

    If a student shares an incident encourage the student to submit a CCET报告 on the 云顶集团 website and if the student is reluctant to report an incident, you can 提交报告 on the incident reported to you. Please ask for permission and communicate with the student before submitting.

    If the incident is not within our function as a team, we will make sure it is passed on to the proper channels. Ultimately, it is important that we receive reports and have the opportunity to assess them.

    In addition, you are also welcome to 提交报告 on behalf of the student, but reports can be submitted anonymously with 这份报告表格.

    Can faculty and administrators 提交报告 if an incident is witnessed?

    是的, faculty and administrators can submit reports as a witness of an incident. If you are unsure of the nature of the incident, please submit the report. 当有疑问时, please 提交报告. Reports can be submitted anonymously.

    Should we submit reports to CCET instead of contacting Campus Safety?

    No. If it is an emergency, please call 911 or Campus Safety at 410-337-6111. 你可以 同时提交一份 CCET报告 after you have contacted Campus Safety.

    What happens when a report is submitted?

    的 CCET Team receives the initial report. A confirmation email is sent to the individual who submits the report (even if the report is submitted anonymously). 如果报告 is not anonymous, and the individual would like to be contacted, a CCET Team member will schedule an initial meeting with the impacted individual(s).

    的 Team will review and assess the report and conducts an assessment and develops 行动计划.

    Is it ever too late to 提交报告?

    No. We encourage folx to submit reports because the team can connect you and/or those affected to supports and resources.

    Can I 提交报告 for an incident that has occurred off campus?

    是的. We encourage all members of the 云顶集团 community to submit reports of incidents that have occurred off-campus at college sponsored events and activities.

    Are all reports bias?

    No, not all reports are found to be bias; however that does not mean that an incident cannot have an impact on the community. If an incident has impact on the community, there is still the opportunity to provide a space to process and/or educate.

    It is also important to note that some reports do not contain enough information to determine if the incident w是偏见 or not and those reports may not be classified 是偏见.

    Are bias incidents hate crimes?

    While all hate crimes are bias incidents, not all bias incidents are hate crimes. In Maryland, a hate crime is a 犯罪行为 against a person or their property because of the person’s race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, disability, national origin, or because that 无家可归者. Depending on the underlying criminal act, the hate crime may be considered a separate misdemeanor or felony and the offender may be subject to additional sentencing beyond that imposed for the underlying crime.