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  • M.A. in Applied Policy Analysis
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  • M.A. in Applied Policy Analysis Curriculum

    学生将学习数据分析、数据管理、数据可视化、 economics, human behavior, and policy evaluation. Students in this program will be 要求参加一系列围绕数据分析各个方面的核心课程 包括回归分析、行为分析、伦理学、数据管理和可视化, and applied economic theory. Once students have completed the majority of their core 课程,他们将能够把他们的重点转移到具体的政策领域,可能 be of interest to them. The policy areas students can focus on will be education policy, health policy, environmental policy, and social/public policy. The aim of these policy-centered 课程是让学生思考和设计潜在的面向数据的解决方案 因为它与特定的内容领域相关,所以会影响各种人群.

    The aim of the program is to be data application-focused. The pairing of the core 具有特定内容领域的选修课程云顶集团性质的课程 允许那些谁进入程序云顶集团数据分析工具学到 a wide variety of policy areas. Further, the elective courses are focused on specific 社会问题需要细致入微地使用数据分析工具,学生们 will learn from other courses in the program. Overall, the program offers an interdisciplinary 数据分析,经济学和政策课程的融合,将给学生多样化的 set of skills that can be applied in numerous industries.

    云顶集团政策分析文学硕士要求36个学分,其中27个学分 来自以下所有学生必须完成的课程:

    Required Courses

    Introduction to Data Analysis (3 credits)
    Economics for Policy Analysis (3 credits)
    Data Ethics (3 credits)
    Advanced Data Analysis (3 credits)
    Time Series Data Methods (3 credits)
    Behavioral Analysis (3 credits)
    Data Management and Visualization (3 credits)
    Applied Policy Analysis (3 credits)
    Capstone for Applied Policy Analysis (3 credits)


    Elective Courses

    Education Policy (3 credits)
    Health Policy (3 credits)
    Environmental Policy (3 credits)
    Social and Public Policy (3 credits)

    Core Courses Description

    Introduction to Data Analysis (3 credits).

    本课程向学生介绍政策分析所需的基本工具——统计学、 假设检验,概率,数据管理,数据可视化和回归 analysis.

    Advanced Data Analysis (3 credits).

    本课程是《云顶集团》的延续 explore causal inference. This course explores more advanced methods of analysis in 为了了解如何推断真正的因果关系,使用两个实验 and quasi-experimental methods. Additionally, students learn how to differentiate between correlation and causation. (Prerequisite: Introduction to Data Analysis)

    Data Ethics (3 credits).

    本课程将探讨围绕数据使用的伦理问题. There is 在回答问题时,世界上大量的数据以及如何使用这些数据是很重要的 complex real-world issues. This course will discuss the responsibilities of researchers 谁的目标是将从适当的数据分析中收集到的信息传播到更广泛的领域 audience.

    Time Series Data Methods (3 credits).

    本课程侧重于分析不同时期的数据 of time—time series. 这些方法的云顶集团对于识别潜在的问题是有用的 告诉变量运动的趋势,包括过去和未来的行为.
    (Prerequisite: Introduction to Data Analysis)

    Data Management and Visualization(3 credits).

    本课程将向学生介绍数据收集和可视化过程. Real world data can be messy. All data tells a story, and how that story is told depends on how the data is collected, tested, and presented. Being able to properly handle 各种格式的数据以及能够从坏数据中破译好的数据是至关重要的 important for any policy analyst. Students will learn how to gather data from various 来源回答现实世界的政策问题,并以书面形式展示他们的发现 and presentation form.
    (Prerequisite: Introduction to Data Analysis)

    Economics for Policy Analysis (3 credits).

    本课程探讨微观经济理论在现实政策中的云顶集团 and social issues. 这包括资源分配、激励、机会等主题 成本,市场失灵,政府干预,不确定性,消费者和企业行为, and constrained optimization.

    Behavioral Analysis (3 credits).

    为了影响人们的选择,政策是以多种方式制定的. This 本课程将探讨与政策相关的人类行为和激励机制 议题,包括关于教育政策、卫生保健政策和环境的讨论 policy among other topics. This course will draw from insights from economics, psychology, biology, sociology, and anthropology.
    (Prerequisite: Economics for Policy Analysis)

    Applied Policy Analysis (3 credits).

    本课程将使学生有机会将他们的政策知识云顶集团于实际 world examples. 学生将在不同的政策领域评估政策 toolkit they have developed in previous courses. Students will be given prompts regarding 当前的政策问题,并将被要求批判性地分析其效力 以书面和演示形式向包括来自 both technical and non-technical backgrounds.

    Capstone for Applied Policy Analysis (3 credits).

    本课程将要求学生对当前的问题进行原创性的研究 policy issues. 学生们将选择一个政策领域,并提出一个策略 分析该政策领域中的特定问题,并将结果呈现在 written and oral form. This course is intended for students to showcase all of the tools they have learned in previous classes.
    (先决条件:数据分析导论、高级数据分析、云顶集团 Policy Analysis)


    Education Policy (3 credits).

    本课程将探讨和讨论当前与教育相关的问题 policy. 学生将深入研究由讲师选择的各种主题领域. 主题可能包括教育不平等和机会、入学准备、教育 还有法律,教学政策,高等教育政策,学校财政. This 课程将包括讨论,数据收集和分析,书面和口头 presentation on topic areas covered.

    Health Policy (3 credits).

    This course will cover various topics related to health policy. The topics discussed will be chosen by the instructor. The course will be centered around current issues 围绕卫生政策,如卫生保健公平,获得卫生保健,保险, 退休和老龄化,人口动态,以及医疗数据的获取. This course 将包括讨论,数据收集和分析,书面和口头报告 on topic areas covered.

    Environmental Policy (3 credits).

    本课程将探讨与环境相关的政策问题. The topics discussed will be chosen by the instructor. Topics may include environmental protection, 自然资源利用,能源政策,交通政策,以及国内和国际 climate policy. 本课程将包括讨论,数据收集和分析, and written and oral presentation on topic areas covered.

    Social and Public Policy (3 credits).

    本课程将探讨围绕社会和公共政策的主题. The topics discussed will be chosen by the instructor. Topics may include minimum wage policy, 住房政策,社会福利政策,刑事司法政策. This course will 参与讨论,数据收集和分析,书面和口头报告 on topic areas covered.