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  • 隐私政策
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    机构效率办公室(OIE), which serves as an official data source for the College, is committed to safeguarding that data and protecting the privacy of individuals who study at the College. This 隐私政策 outlines the Office’s collection, use, and disclosure of data about you.


    OIE receives information about you (Information) through two main sources. First, it analyzes and disseminates information that other offices of the College have collected about you.  For example, OIE analyzes data that the Office of Admissions receives from you, as well as information collected about you by other divisions while you are a student here, such as information about your academic performance from the Registrar’s office.

    Second, OIE collects data about you from surveys that it administers while you are 在校园里作为一个学生.  其中包括国家基准研究和地方设计的研究 surveys.


    Internally designed surveys, administered by Goucher to its student community, may 包括以下主题:

    The above list may subject to change; and the administration schedule rotates based 关于机构数据收集的需求.


    OIE will use Information that you provide to us and Information we collect about you for two main legitimate purposes – internal and external reporting; and conducting research to inform decision-making and policy development within the College.


    OIE may provide information that it receives about you to individuals, programs and departments of the college in order to inform planning and decision-making, to improve 学生的保留和成功,以及改善大学规划.  例如,我们 may use information collected through the Title IX climate survey to improve the services 由教育法第九条办公室提供.


    The College also reports certain information about you to federal and state entities 和其他外部实体.  除了下面所述的某些有限的例外情况,这 数据以汇总形式提供,并不能识别您的身份. 这些实体包括 以下几点:


    马里兰州法律要求OIE提供某些 个人的、分类的信息 向马里兰州高等教育委员会汇报你的情况.  这些信息包括 name, gender, birthdate, race/ethnicity, enrollment status, credit hours, admissions test scores, and information about your high school GPA and enrollment history.

    As a Title IV institution, Goucher is also required to participate in the NCES longitudinal studies, such as the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS), and Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B)集合. If an enrollment record at Goucher is randomly selected to be included in these studies, OIE will release 个人的、分类的信息 to the NCES.

    If we are required to disclose Sensitive Information about you to these entities, and we obtained that information from you while you were a resident of the European Union, we will obtain your affirmative consent to disclose such information, as required 《云顶集团》的规定. 2016/679. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/reform/files/regulation_oj_en.pdf. “Sensitive Information” is information or data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.


    OIE also uses the Information that it collects to conduct research, to inform planning and decision-making, to improve student retention and success, and to support assessment 以及各种组织层面的认证.

    例如,云顶集团参加了一项名为“ 合作机构研究计划(CIRP). The information OIE collects will help the College learn more about the incoming class and thus better design the academic and social support programs to help students 在大学取得成功. 此外,学生也可能被要求回应 全国学生参与调查 (NSSE). NSSE helps the College understand how students are spending time in and out of the classroom, which guides decisions that will benefit all Goucher students.

    Your participation in these national surveys is voluntary and your responses to the 调查问题仍然保密.


    As noted above, in all cases but two, we disclose information about you to third parties 只是以聚合的、去识别的形式.

    If we are required to disclose Sensitive information about you, and we obtained that information from you while you were a resident of the European Union, we will obtain your affirmative consent to disclose such information, as required by the General 《云顶集团》. 2016/679. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/reform/files/regulation_oj_en.pdf.


    Your information will be retained by OIE in accordance with the applicable retention 的周期 档案管理政策 被学院采纳.

    Your information will be destroyed upon your request or after the expiration of the 适用的保留期限,以较晚者为准.  销毁方式应 be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of your information given 对学院的敏感性、价值和重要性.


    请咨询云顶集团 隐私政策 regarding your rights to request access to, a copy of, rectification, restriction 在使用,或删除您的信息.