• Campus Safety
  • Report a Concern
  • Report a Threat
  • Report a Threat

    Threat Assessment Team

    Goucher College's Threat Assessment Team is committed to improving community safety. Through a proactive, collaborative, objective, and thoughtful approach, the team will work to prevent, identify, assess, and manage situations that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community. The team consists of representatives from Campus Safety, Residential Life, Student Life, the Faculty, and Human Resources, as well as mental health professionals and legal counsel. The team responds to behaviors exhibited by students, employees, visitors, and others prior to a critical incident in an attempt to prevent violence so that the Goucher campus remains a safe and secure working and learning environment.


    Approximately 2,000 colleges and universities across the nation have established threat assessment teams in response to serious incidents that have occurred on campuses. Goucher College established its Threat Assessment Team in February 2012.

    What do I report to the threat assessment team?

    If a member of the Goucher community (student, staff, or faculty), or a visitor to the campus, behaves in a way that is concerning, disruptive, worrisome, or poses a potential threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community or any member of it, such behaviors should be reported to the threat assessment team.

    How do I report threatening behavior to the Threat Assessment Team?

    If you believe the person may pose a threat of imminent danger to him/herself or to others, call 911 and then contact the Office of Campus Safety at 410.337.6112.

    To make a referral to the threat assessment team, click on one of the two TAT reporting form links below. There are two forms: one for reporting a student or campus visitor, and one for reporting a faculty or staff member.

    You will be asked for basic information about the person of concern, a description of the incident or behaviors that prompted you to make a referral, and your contact information.

    You are the threat assessment team's best resource because you are familiar with the individual or directly observed the concerning behavior. If you want to speak with a member of the team before submitting a referral you should contact legal counsel (6011); the associate dean for student development (6150); or the vice president for human resources (6010).

    Anonymous referrals are accepted but discouraged. By identifying yourself, the Threat Assessment Team will be able to more fully investigate and respond to your concerns. Without your identifying information, we may not have enough information to address the situation you have described. Anonymous reports will be addressed, but the ability of the Threat Assessment Team to respond may be limited.

    Report a student or visitor threat

    Report a faculty or staff member threat

    For more information, view additional frequently asked questions.